Mid-Week Rant: Paper Straws Are Bullshit in Milkshakes

Last weekend I took my daughter out for an ice cream. Roughly two years ago, our brave leaders here in NY eliminated plastic bags and straws. We have mostly adjusted to this, and while I could go into all of my problems with this half assed legislation – this post is about paper straws.

I’m and adult (mostly), so my encounters with straws are few and far between. I also don’t get fast food often. Over the weekend I took my daughter out for a leisurely bike ride and a stop for ice-cream. This time she decided to go with this milkshake sort-of-thing. It was a chocolate milkshake with two cookies in it, some whip cream, fudge, etc. Back in my day (when everyone was normal), we used to have either a big plastic straw, or my personal favorite – the straw with the spoon on the end. Fucking genius.

My daughter gets her milkshake, sits down, and starts going to town. I of course notice the stupid straw and was counting down the minutes until that functioning paper tube turned into a soggy paper stick. This happened in roughly 5 minutes.

Who are we kidding here?! I am obviously down with paper straws in soda’s. But for something like a milkshake, it is perhaps the dumbest thing ever!



Super Sweet Shirt co.


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Whuddup Homies!

The best time to come on here is when I’ve clearly had too much drink. Some sound advice from the CEO of the Super Sweet Shirt Co. This is a tricky time for online sellers. Covid gave a lot of people a false sense of success during a period where nobody was allowed to leave their homes. Everyone had to shop online. Fly by night whack MC’s opened up stores and started selling – some successful, some not.

The constant with us is that we’ve been here since 2007. We’ve been here before print on demand shops and other bullshit. In 2007 I was set up in my kitchen printing shirts with horrific phrases on them – fresh off a 10 hour shift dropping fries, in a greasy, 105 degree, kitchen.

I never forget that. That is what drives me. That is the main muscle that powers my middle finger. I have little tolerance.

I mention this because, this is a weird time. Tik Tok, gig workers, a shitty economy – it truly feels like it’s survival of the fittest in some aspects. I’ve got seniority. Over 16,000 sales on Etsy, 14,000 on eBay, a strong Amazon presence, and our own website – this is how we weed out the weak.

Anyways, let’s get down to brass tax. What did we put out out this week (checking my phone)? I might be missing something, but lets take a look. First up: This Robocop onesie. I need to focus a little harder on my onesie catalog. I decided to jump start with this Robocop Japanese style design. I am on a Japanese kick lately, casually trying to learn it as a second language. I credit #TokyoVice,

The second thing I put out this week is a new Robocop pint glass. I honestly have no idea how beer pint glasses will sell. I mean – I love them? I guess we will see!

Last but not least…..Willie Mays Hayes! For YEARS I’ve wanted to make a “Major League” shirt. This shirt came out awesome. I wanted to have it resemble one of those 90s style shirt designs. I think I got there with it!

Follow us on Tik Tok! We do giveaway’s every Saturday for any followers that comment on posts during the week. It’s a fun time over there, hopefully it doesn’t get banned by 90 year old fossils in Washington. Remember in November who voted for this. Your voice, no matter what side you fall on, is important. That’s the one thing we all have in common.

Peace out, wear sick shirts, and never grow up.

Aaron Flow

Super Sweet Shirt Co.

Vultures 1 is a Work of Art

This post will probably get me some shit. That’s ok. Art ALWAYS comes first. The greatest artists are all fucked up….that’s what makes them great. A normal guy isn’t going to ever create something great. That’s not how it works.

Pablo Picasso was a piece of shit. He once called women “machines for suffering” and boasted about being the one to push them to their limits. For decades, he mistreated women in relationships with constant infidelity and relentless verbal and emotional abuse. Of the half-dozen women who featured significantly in Pablo’s life, two were driven to madness and institutionalized, while two more died by suicide.

Roger Waters has said some outlandish shit. I haven’t stopped listening to Pink Floyd. You have to learn to put it all aside.

As a fan of hip hop, Kanye West is my number one. The greatest rapper and producer of all time. We can argue this all day. He clearly started getting shit after meeting with President Trump. That was when the media machine turned on him. To be fair he wanted to meet with President Obama during that presidency, but was turned down.

  1. In 2020, Kanye donated $2 million to support the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor.
  2. In 2018, he donated $500,000 to support relief efforts for victims of the wildfires in California.
  3. In 2016, he donated $1 million to a charity that aims to improve mental health care in Chicago.
  4. In 2015, he donated $10,000 to a wheelchair basketball program in New York City.
  5. In 2013, he donated $250,000 to the charity of Rodney King, who was beaten by Los Angeles police officers in 1991.

Fuck meeting with this guy I guess.

Anyway, regardless of what he has said or what the media has cherry picked that he’s said Kanye’s 24 Grammys, 138 singles, 84 of his singles going platinum. His Billboard Hot 100 history reads; 107 entries, 56 top 40s, 18 top 10s, and five number-one singles, cements his legacy as one of the greatest.

“Vultures 1” is his first release since all of the controversy. This album is a masterpiece. At first listen, it’s a chaotic mess. It’s unconventional, there’s nothing particularly instantly catchy, and its mildly confusing. So why have I listened to it 50+ times? Why is it number 1 around the world. It weirdly grows on you. I haven’t been able to stop listening to it since it came out. The leaks for “Vultures 2” which should be coming out any day now, are even better.

What’s even more amusing to watch, is the media trashing the “Listening Party” tour. Outlets are accusing Ye of ripping off fans because he’s not performing live, but just dancing around and listening to the album with the fans. Obviously not conventional – but fans know what they are going to see. It’s art. All of it. You are going to look at a “painting”. Thats it! It’s even worse watching music critics like this idiot have embarrassing meltdowns on Tik ToK.

Kanye West has headed the entire evolution of hip-hop since 2004. I can say this with 100% confidence. This easily lands West in the top 5 hip hop artists of all time.

Cancelling anyone for anything is ridiculous. I’ll never be for it or understand it. I will always enjoy watching guys get passed it. Watching guys become push passed the bullshit. Shane Gillis, Dave Chapelle, etc. We have watched it all over the years. Like Ye says in “Burn”, “I burned 8 billion to take of my chains.”

“Vultures 1” is the shit.

Loads of New Shit Posted!

LOL i forgot i had this! And its still getting traffic! I’ll try keeping up with it this week. I could use an outlet to say what I want. Maybe this will be it.

We have sooo much stuff added since the last time I posted. Our Tik Tok store is open, we are doing weekly giveaways on there so folloow us an interact. All comments get you an entry into the weekly giveaway @supersweetshirtco

This week we rolled out some new shit! If you are a dude with a man cave that occasionally gets way out of control – well you will want this Double Deuce Pint Glass.

Last Dragon lovers, I have 2 new items for you. A Daddy Green’s Pizza pint glass for your favorite brew along with a coffee mug for your Sunday morning paper routine.

The Greatest Holiday Mug This Season

I forgot I had this blog…..i’ll be honest. There are so many outlets these days online to spread the word, and I basically hate most of them. Something about the blog is still somewhat therapeutic, it allows me to do more than just post pictures of product, or videos of what inspired me to create them. I can yak it up a bit – shoot the shit.

Sometimes in the chaos of life (especially is you’re a parent), it gets hard to find time to get new designs out. I’m a one man operation, so when you get an order from me, or you see the packaging, or the ad or post you saw the product on – that shit’s all me son! Ok maybe around the holidays I get some help from my kid, but it’s mostly me. With 5 online stores to manage, it gets chaotic.

One night my wife and I were changing it up a bit from the usual “sit down and watch tv” routine. We cracked open some wine, put on some tunes, and we each worked on something at the dining room table while chatting. The music selection for the night was 80s/90s duets.

As the wine went down and the tunes kept flowing, somehow we started talking about Van Damme dancing in Kickboxer.

How did I not have something to pay tribute to this iconic action movie scene? It was time to get to work (before I made the unfortunate decision to open another bottle.)

The inspiration for the design was Urban Outfitters. I’m clearly too old to shop there, but as an apparel creator I was heavily influenced by early Urban Outfitters and Dov Charney who created American Apparel (yeah I know he’s a sex pervert, he’s still an apparel genius.)

In the end, I couldn’t have been more thrilled. This shirt/mug collection is awesome, the shirt is insanely soft and the mug will be a favorite for whoever it’s purchased for.

These our now available in all shops! Pick your poison from the list of links below:





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New Falling Down Mug!


This is one of my favorite movies and I have been holding out making something for it for years. Obviously inspired by current events, the average Joe is taking a big hit. With everyone slowly returning to the office, I couldn’t think of a better mug to show off at your desk as you continuously get shafted day after day. This one is for you!

This has been added to the Etsy shop. If you haven’t experienced this movie, I highly suggest making it a movie night!

Joe Rogan’s Bizarre Covid Response

I’m pretty sick of talking about Covid 19. I’m all set. However, yesterday Joe Rogan posted this video on Tik Tok.

For the sake of this viewpoint, not that it’s anyone’s business, I am vaccinated. I have to put that out-there only because if you say anything that isn’t part of the script – you are labeled anti-vax. I got my vaccine as soon as it became available for me.

When Rogan posted this, the thing I found most ridiculous wasn’t that he took Ivermectin. Ever since covid hit, there has been this weird politicizing of treatments and medicines. There is misinformation everywhere you look, people making contradictory statements every other day – honestly, if you are a normal person it’s hard to know what to believe. The one thing that is extremely clear, the vaccine does prevent you from getting dangerously sick for the majority. This is statistically documented. I am totally for everyone’s choice to get it and continue to maintain that this is something people should make their own decision about based on their personal health history. The idea that everyone is the same is absurd.

That being said, since the beginning of the pandemic Joe Rogan has constantly talked about how if you are in shape and live a healthy lifestyle, you’re not in any real danger with Covid. He’s been very clear about this. Fast forward to yesterday, the guy announces he has Covid….and he’s taking literally every treatment for it possible. The amount of shit he’s admitting to doing because he came down with Covid is completely ridiculous! What happened to strengthening your immune system? This doesn’t even sound like he’s giving his immune system a chance…

The worst part of all this, is that when he makes it through this (statistically he should) – he’s going to probably go around talking about the success of his treatments.

His reaction to getting covid is pretty bizarre to me.

My Wife Hates “Big Trouble in Little China”


I occasionally show my wife movies from my childhood. She surprisingly hasn’t seen a lot of them. Sometimes she walks away from the experience in agreement that the film was amazing. Other times, she walks away appalled (like when i showed her “Teen Wolf”)…

One movie I thought she would enjoy was “Big Trouble in Little China.” I was totally wrong.

I hadn’t sat down to watch this movie in about 20 years, I didn’t even remember much of it. I thought the movie held up due to its complete absurdity. The action was awesome, the comedy was hilarious, and the effects are insanely cheesy. What more can you ask for!?

My wife laughed only once and ended up being completely baffled at how anyone would think this was a classic!

What classics have you shown your significant other that they hated? Share your experienced below!

Labor Day Sale!

Hello, Hello, Hello! Out of curiosity I happened to check on my blog stats. In the everyday madness that is life, you sometimes forget about things. This blog happens to be the thing I had forgotten about. Once again, I am going to make an effort to blog more!

I have added a ton of stuff to the shop – I’m not even sure where to start! From now until the end of September, take advantage of our Labor Day Sale.

Here are some of the new things we have that have been selling like toilet paper during a pandemic! Come visit our Etsy Store and get in on this ASAP!

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